GPC provides superior project/construction management & related services to energy-related companies and contractors working in the exploration, production and processing of hydrocarbons for onshore and offshore developments around the world.
Methods developed within GPC provide our Clients with a productive, cost-effective approach to executing projects whether the contracting approach is through EPCI or component contracts.
GPC has a staff of experienced professionals with varied backgrounds to provide for any or all of your project needs. This applies to marginal developments requiring minimal costs, deepwater developments requiring expertise from multiple disciplines or competitive situations using a fast-track system to accelerate your schedule.
Mission Statement:
The Mission for Global Project Consultants, Inc. (GPC) and its subsidiaries is to provide the highest quality technical consultants, project & construction management and related services to our Clients and Constituents in the energy industry. We aspire to the highest ethical standards, while providing a highly motivated, productive staff promoting a fair and honest Client relationship to accomplish services required.